

The following requirements are in effect from the first day of school. 

We ask your cooperation in adhering to the school uniform code.  St. Mary’s School will conference with families of students in grades K-3 not adhering to the uniform policy to ensure the children can learn the responsibility of proper school attire.  Students in grades 4 through 8 not complying with the uniform policy will have an email notification sent to the parent after the first offense.  The second offense will result in a Monday detention with the principal and a third offense will result in loss of privilege for the next dress down day.

It is the responsibility of each teacher and all staff members to assure that all students adhere to the Uniform Policy of the school.  Uniforms will be checked by the homeroom teacher each morning.  The full uniform policy is below as it is found in the Parent Handbook.  Teachers are expected to familiarize themselves with all aspects of the uniform and assure adherence.

  1. All clothing should be properly labeled with the family name and should be clean and neat in appearance.  Items are held in the Lost and Found for a reasonable time.  If articles are unclaimed, they are donated to charity.
  2. Jewelry is not part of the school uniform, however:
  3. Girls may wear one pair of post earrings (hoops and dangling earrings are unsafe), one ring, one religious necklace, and one wristwatch.
  4. Boys may wear one religious medal, one ring, and one wristwatch.
  5. Make-up is not permitted during school hours. 
  6. Fingernail polish or fake nails are not permitted during school hours.
  7. For safety purposes backless shoes, flip-flops, Heelys sneakers or platform shoes may not be worn.
  8. Proper grooming is expected of every student.  Fad haircuts are not acceptable.  Boys’ hair should not cover the eyebrows or ears, and should be trimmed above the shirt collar.
  9. No color altering chemicals may be used to alter the student’s natural hair color.  Girls’ hair should be maintained neatly and not covering the eyes. 
  10. No defacing or altering uniform; including shoes.  Shoes that have been decorated/colored will need to be replaced.